Monday 9 April 2018

Welcome to Semester 3, 2017/2018

Assalamualaikum and welcome to BUS1233 and ACC2233

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to my class for the above subjects. First of all, let me lay down some rules and what the do’s and don’ts  for the class.


  1. Come to class.
  2. Be punctual.
  3. Mobile phones should always be in silent mode.
  4. Always bring your accounting book/manual to class.
  5. Every students’ should own a calculator (real calculator).
  6. Give full attention to the lectures.
  7. Sleep if you feel to sleep.
  8. Attempt or sit for exercises,quizzes or assignment on specified date.
  9. Submit any work given on time.


  1. Absent without valid reasons.
  2. Late to class.
  3. Browsing, texting and talking on the phone during lecture time.
  4. Sharing books is not recommended.
  5. Using mobile phone as calculator.
  6. Chit chatting/discussion with friends during the lecture.
  7. Sleepwalking.
  8. Absent for the exercises, quizzes or assignment without valid reasons.
  9. Late submission of exercises, quizzes or assignment.
I welcome for students who wish to bring drinks or snacks to the lecturer ….hahaha

Please regularly check the blog as I will be posting some notes, exercises, assignments etc. 

Last but not are required to download an app from the google playstore. You can refer the link from my instagram. It's YIPPI and after this I will be using this as our communication platform replacing whatsapp.

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